Thursday, April 17, 2014

What A Crazy World

Good morning, guys!

It has been a crazy week so far and I am starting my day a bit later today, albeit with green tea in hand, like I always do. I was pleasantly surprised to get on Blogger this morning and see some surprising traffic on my dear blog here and it warmed my heart. So thank you!

Today I'll be going to see my most furthest away kiddos and ironically, they all are toddlers or younger, so many of the Easter activities I've been using lately just won't cut it. I'm mourning the loss of a couple pieces of Mr. Potato Head's body but the kids don't seem to care. I think this is maybe the fifth Mr. Potato Head that has been a part of my traveling therapy circus since 2011. :)

Anyways, yesterday was one of those days that I didn't have anything *new* for therapy really but I was proud to be able to make a few things "work" for my kiddos in a new way.

Take the cult favorite, "Articulation Chipper Chat" from Super Duper- I used it with a kindergarten friend who is working on an odd goal in my opinion, word-finding. We played a version of "I Spy" in which she both had to work at using descriptive terms to help me find objects and vice-versa, and then had to name all of the objects suggested. I purposely picked non-everyday vocabulary in each photo scene. Yes, it is struck me as very odd that I have found myself using some of the same strategies I used in grad school for my adult Wernicke's patients with a 5 year-old and it's actually been working. I might do a little more research into this as time goes on.

For the rest of my kiddos, we played with the Articulation Easter Basket Hunt game again, this time looking for the carrots. I'm for real, this game has been a hit and I can't believe I've already gotten 2-3 sessions out of it. I even was able to use it for grammar and language goals.

I also decided to make a visual for one of my kids working on using appropriate volume at has a picture of a "loud lion" and "quiet mouse" to help them learn to self-identify their own vocal behaviors. You can get it for free right now for download in my Teachers Pay Teachers store!

                                                         Mouse/Lion Voice Poster 

I just want to encourage you guys, wherever you are, to keep doing what you can, with what you have, where you are, to quote one of my favorite sayings. If you are anything like me, your heart may be feeling a little heavy right now, but it is not anything you are not equipped to handle, no matter how much you may feel otherwise. Dig in your heels, do some killer therapy, and worry about the rest later.

The only things I can really control are my songs, and my behavior. The rest? If I focused on it, that would lead to insanity.” — Taylor Swift, in Glamour UK

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