Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Rainy Day Speech

Good morning, ya'll. Today it is a rainy day in Texas and I have been trying to figure out what kind of theme I wanted to use for the rest of February since Valentine's is over. Weather it is!

The obvious choice was to look for content related to the book, "Cloudy With a Chance of a Meatballs", but believe it or not, I do not currently own the title. I'm sure I will make it to the library soon but until then I have once again pulled some random Internet resources and cut/paste activities to last until then.

Here are my "Rainy Day Speech" activities for today:

- Cut/paste raindrops (from construction paper) with cloud stickers for artic/language scripting
- Seasons cut/paste - Kids will match pictures related to weather/holidays to the corresponding seasons
- PECS weather pictures - for conversation, artic carryover, and general language scripting

Nothing fancy but it will get the job done!

And yes, those raindrops are not to scale. Like my 4-year olds care.

Do you have any favorite "weather" based activities, maybe some that are more motor or sensory based? Let me know in the comments. :)


  1. I have never attempted weather as a vocabulary theme (yet) but I did recently purchase the book Maisy's Seasons by Lucy Cousins to get the wheels turning. Maisy's Wonderful Weather Book is also a great book for preschool/ early elementary age! I hope this helps!

  2. Ah thanks, Emilee! Those sound like good places to start, I'll have to check them out soon!
