Tuesday, February 18, 2014

It All Spilled Over

This blog post will be a monster post symbolic of the past few days. Everything has spilled over.

You know, life gets moving and so you start taking things and put them on the back burner to deal with, but before you know it, even the back burner is full. The past few days have been full of a whole lot of wonderful and a bit of stress. Most of it I managed to capture in pictures.

To begin, last Friday was Valentine's Day, as I'm sure every single one of you were aware of. Amazingly, my Facebook newsfeed was NOT flooded with a million pics of flowers men sent their perspective wives and girlfriends.

Hence the reason I feel comfortable showing you all this beautiful bouquet of roses and lillies that Jake showed up with at my door. The best part was the strawberry cheesecake chocolate sticks poised at random throughout. He did good.

Anyways, not to get ahead of myself, Friday was a therapy day that consisted of dessert Skittles articulation therapy and various Valentine's language activities. I was given a cupcake by a 3-year old that I professionally scarfed down with my bare hands like a savage immediately following the session. That red food dye does NOT wash off skin easily, P.S.

Here's a picture of my car mid-day Friday. Oh, who am I kidding. This is a typical home-health car, at least MY car typically. I guess I should note that my trunk is generally much more organized than my back seats. You can see I do not have children at the moment; where would I even put a car seat? I'd make room, though...just saying.

In the afternoon I did a bilingual penguin activity, which I know, is typically a January theme. But it was Friday and that's what I had. Here's the front and back, showing the way I used it to target basic verbs and subject-verb agreement:

Following therapy I headed back home to celebrate the evening with my handsome Valentine. We went to Torchy's Tacos, per my request. If you haven't been, you need to go. Just say, "2 Trashy Trailer Park's." Trust me, you'll be happy. 

                                                                Before Dinner

Those 4 evals I mentioned in my last post? I am just now finishing the fourth one. Like I said, everything began to spill over. I am feeling good about the month of March, however. As for now,
I am going to finish this last eval and begin working on a new pillow for the Etsy shop.

Also, stay tuned for a new therapy game in my next post! It is self-developed and has always been a winner with my preschool crowd. Target area: phonological processing goals!

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and is finding productive ways of dealing with the stress that comes along with the workweek and life spilling over. :)

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