Thursday, March 27, 2014

This Week as an SLP and Otherwise Regular Human Being

Alright, I swore up and down to steer away from personal posts and focus on speech-only blogging. But honestly I have nothing new to tell you guys, speech-wise! No wisdom (cough) to impart. Only maybe a few highlights of the work-week and musings of this speechie's brain.

I think I often get caught up in the fact that I'm not "the best". Therefore, everything I do "doesn't count." Does this ring true for anyone else? I don't have any great new speech units I'm employing or comprehensive Home Exercise Programs I'm implementing...I am honestly just doing my job. Still loving it. But wondering when I will get that burn again to stay up all night printing, cutting and organizing. Maybe when I have a real work space? Who knows.

Here's a peek into this past week:

1) A whole lot of driving to far-away clients. Like an hour away. Four days this week total, as of tomorrow. Here's a hint...the farther you have to go to see clients, the less sessions you will actually DO. I did take advantage of the existence of a Smoothie King on my drive today...Apple Kiwi Kale Smoothie, you won me over!

2) My first real peds feeding eval. You know you always expect in grad school and during your CF that any feeding evals that get thrown your way will most likely be sensory-based and you'll give the ole' chaining method a try. Then the parent mentioned something about a swallow study done a year ago indicating esophageal phase dysfunction and inwardly I just:

I want a new swallow study done. I wanna see if we're got any premature spillage going on here before I'm ready to hear that noise.

Anyways. Moving right along.

3) I got back in the groove of clean eating and working out! Let's all cheer for my attempts at not treating my body like the human equivalent of a dumpster. My go-to workout is this bad boy:

If you haven't done her "30 Day Shred" series, it's on Youtube and you should do that one first. That was the series of workouts I used in 2012 to get my body back after a long-term relationship in which I consumed far too many Dr. Peppers and stuffed-crust pizzas during Netlflix marathons. All good and and fine things in and of themselves. But turns out you have to move your ass to not put weight on in the process. Go figure. Anyways, "Ripped in 30" is a great in-home, 30-minute workout that truly kicks my butt and makes me feel strong. It combines cardio, weights, and abs for a total body training experience. I'm starting to sound like an infomercial. I just love Jillian Michaels. #sorrynotsorry

4) I started organizing my therapy materials by goals. Seems odd but not really. Sometimes I really just need to be able to reach into a file that says "body parts", "prepositions", etc. and pull out an activity or list of activities. Therefore I am making that happen. The sad part was I forgot that I needed file folders and everything just ended up in criss-cross stacks on the side of my wall. Sigh.

I didn't really do any "Spring" therapy things this week other than introduce the book, "Happy Easter, Biscuit!" which amazingly entertains even my kids up to 5 years old. They love opening the flaps to find the eggs with Biscuit.

Overall I am just trying to get in as many sessions as possible as it is the last Medicaid week of the month and for all of us in home health, the busiest week of the month. Thankfully we're getting an extra day Monday to get in those visits.

I hope you all have had a fabulous week! Do you have any recommendations for a feeding eval in which the end result turns out to continually be esophageal dysfunction? I'll take all the advice I can get. :) Abstract "Where" Questions download is free right now in my Teachers Pay Teachers store...I'd love if you snapped it up and left me some feedback!:)

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